Glycemic Index Of Suji For Diabetics

Gylcemic Index of Suji For Diabetics

Written by Dr.Tanay Patel

Hello, My self Dr.Tanay Patel (B.H.M.S , C.C.H). I am consulting Homoeopath. My goal is to reach out to every people and provide enough information about health and wellness. On this website I regularly post about how to improve your mental & physical health on daily bases just by making few changes in your life style.

July 24, 2024

Suji, which is also known as Rava in Hindi, falls under the medium-glycemic index food category due to it’s glycemic index. Today we will share some interesting information about Suji (Rava) and it’s relation to diabetic patients.

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What is Suji (Rava)?

Things you will learn about

Suji, Rava or Semonila are granulated forms of wheat. It is used to make various dishes in India. People in India love to eat food dishes made from Suji.

It is good source of energy and protein. Also, it contains a good amount of carbohydrates.

NutrientAmount per 100g
Calories360 kcal
Total Fat1 g
Saturated Fat0 g
Cholesterol0 mg
Sodium1 mg
Potassium67 mg
Total Carbohydrate73 g
Dietary Fiber3 g
Sugars0 g
Protein13 g
Nutritional Value per 100g of Suji

Here is the table showing it’s nutritional value you will get per 100g of suji (rava) or semlina.

Glycemic Index Of Suji For Diabetics

Glycemic Index Of Suji is 66 in glycemic index chart, which makes it in category of medium glycemic food.

There are mainly three category of glycemic food index, which are as follows.

  • High glycemic food
  • Medium Glycemic Food
  • Low Glycemic Food

Is Suji Good for Diabetic Patients?

As we discuss earlier that Suji falls under the category of medium glycemic food. However it is good source of energy, protein and carbo-hydrates.

Diabetic patients can eat Suji in a mild to moderate amount if their diabetes is under control or non-resistant.

Occasionally, eating semolina is good for patients of diabetes. There are certain medicine used to treat diabetes.

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-Dalai Lama

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