What Are Butterfly Stitches!! How To Apply Butterfly Stitches?

Written by tanaypatel5212

September 27, 2021

 What Are Butterfly Stitches?

We all have heard about stitches once in our life, but have you ever wondered about butterfly stitches. Butterfly stitches are also known as “Steri-Strips”. These are adhesive bandages used to close small to moderate size open wounds, sometimes large wounds can also close by use of butterfly stitches.

It can be used as an alternative to traditional needles & sutures. It can also be used if the wound is uneven in shape or bleeding heavily.

Bandages can also be used for wounds but some of the bandages can stick to the surrounding parts and can cause more moisture. So the Steri-Strips or Butterfly stitches can be a great alternative when the bandages are difficult to apply.

Butterfly Stitches Vs Stitches

Here we have given a basic difference between Butterfly stitches and normal stitches. Hope you will find it helpful and more informative.


Stitches, also called sutures, are clean sterile surgical threads that are utilized to fix cuts (wounds, surgical wounds, or lacerations). They likewise are utilized to close entry points from a medical procedure. A few surgical wounds(from injury or from a medical procedure) are closed with metal staples rather than stitches.

Butterfly Stitches

Butterfly Stitches are adhesive bandages used to close small to moderate size open wounds, sometimes large wounds can also close by use of them.

When To Apply Butterfly Stitches?

We have told the primary use of butterfly stitches, but we also have information on when to use these stitches for better results with minimal damage and pain to the patient.

First, you have information about how to access wound for butterfly stitches.

Whenever you use Steri-Strips you have to ascertain if the wound or laceration is suitable or proper for the application of them.

Include the following details to evaluating the wound:

  • You first have to stop bleeding from a wound before the application of butterfly stitches, by applying pressure using a clean cotton swab or sterile cloth.
  • You should go to the medical center or primary health center nearby you if bleeding does not stops or remain more than 5 minutes. As excessive bleeding can cause external hemorrhage and it can be serious if it remains for a longer time.
  • The size of the wound must be less than 1/2 inch long and not very extensively deep.
  • Steri-Strips are designed to close straight-edged wounds, lacerations. If you have a jagged wound or a more uneven type of wound you can prefer other types of bandages.

How To Apply Butterfly Stitches?

After evaluating the wound, if the wound is suitable for butterfly stitches you can apply it by following steps.

Video Courtesy: DropForgedSurvival 

Step 1. First, wash your hands with soap or sterile water and clean the wound with cool water. It is necessary to remove dirt or debris from the wound and make it clean ( As a precautionary measure). Then clean the skin around the wound with soap and water.

Step 2. After cleaning the wound properly, Apply the butterfly stitches by keeping the two surfaces of the wound unitedly together.

Don’t apply the Steri-Strip lengthwise, and verify the center of the bandage goes across the wound. Put the Steri-Strips  about 1/8 of an inch separate, and use as many as required.

Step 3. This step is optional, and you can do this for extra security by applying bandages at the edge of the end of Steri-Strips.

By doing this the Steri-strips will remain at their place and it can more useful to get better results.

How Long Time You Can Keep The Butterfly Stitches?

If you take all precautionary measures and good care of the wound as well as yourself, it should stay at the same place nearby for 11-12 days.

You should have to remain it dry for the first 48 hours, then the wound becomes gradually stable to shower. After the shower makes sure to dry the moist area by patting gently with a cotton swab or clean sterile cloth.

If your Steri-Strips become loose ensure to not pull them, if you pull stitches you will open the wound, and chances of getting complications will increase.

It is better to tell the medical officer or your consultant physician if you have any problem or discomfort with the stitches.

You have to observe your stitches and wound condition, also you have to tell your physician if you observe the following signs or symptoms;

  • Oozing of pus from the wound.
  • Redness and leaking of water.
  • Persistent swelling after injury around wound or Swelling around the wound.
  • Tenderness or increased inflammation or increase in pain around the wound.

How To Remove Butterfly Stitches?

After 12 days you can remove the butterfly stitches, if a medical officer or your physician has applied it they will instruct you when to remove it or how to remove it properly. Although the medical officer will help you to remove the butterfly stitches.

Here is the procedure to remove the butterfly stitches 

Procedure to remove Steri-Strips

  • You don’t have to pull the stitches by yourself, this can damage the area around the wound. Instead of pulling the stitches:
  • Soak it with the solution of 1-2 hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 water. This solution will help to loosen the stitches and you can remove them gently.
  • But as we told above the first take advice from the medical officer or trained physician, they will assist you better for the removal of Steri-Strips


Here we have given information about Steri-Strips also you can call them Steri-Strips. We told how to apply them when to apply them, when to remove and how long you can keep the Steri-Strips

If you have any doubts regarding the Steri-Strips  you can let us know in the comment section, we will try to solve your queries.

Also, read our health-related. mental health-related and pregnancy-related articles for more information. Stay tuned for more amazing content with www.allurbenefit.com.

The Purpose Of Our Life Is To Be Happy

-Dalai Lama

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