Tab. Benuvo: Uses, Side Effect Price Online


Written by Dr.Tanay Patel

Hello, My self Dr.Tanay Patel (B.H.M.S , C.C.H). I am consulting Homoeopath. My goal is to reach out to every people and provide enough information about health and wellness. On this website I regularly post about how to improve your mental & physical health on daily bases just by making few changes in your life style.

September 11, 2024

Tab.Benuvo is multivitamin tablet prescribed for nutritional deficiency like methylocobalamin, folic acid, pyrodoxine hydrochloride and vitamin D3.

Tab.Benuvo Contents

Here is a table that details the content of the Tab.Benuvo multivitamin tablet, including its active ingredients and their functions:

MethylcobalaminVitamin B12Essential for nerve function, DNA synthesis, and red blood cell production.
Folic AcidVitamin B9Supports DNA synthesis, red blood cell formation, and is important during pregnancy.
Pyridoxine HydrochlorideVitamin B6Involved in amino acid metabolism, neurotransmitter synthesis, and red blood cell production.
Vitamin D3Vitamin DSupports calcium absorption, bone health, and immune function.
Tab.Benuvo Content

Tab.Benuvo Uses

Tab Benuvo is a multivitamin supplement that combines several important nutrients. Here are its key uses in short:

  • Supports Energy Production: Helps convert food into energy.
  • Promotes Nerve Health: Essential for maintaining healthy nerve function.
  • Enhances Red Blood Cell Formation: Aids in the production of red blood cells.
  • Boosts Metabolism: Supports the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
  • Supports Overall Health: Contributes to general well-being and helps fill dietary gaps.

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Recommended Daily Allowance Of Vitamin B12

Age GroupRecommended Daily Amount
Infants (0-6 months)0.4 mcg
Children (1-3 years)0.9 mcg
Children (4-8 years)1.2 mcg
Children (9-13 years)1.8 mcg
Teens (14-18 years)2.4 mcg
Adults (19+ years)2.4 mcg
Pregnant Women2.6 mcg
Breastfeeding Women2.8 mcg

Dosage for Deficiency Treatment

For treating a Vitamin B12 deficiency, higher doses may be required. Typically, a doctor might prescribe:

  • Oral Tablets: 500 mcg to 1,000 mcg daily.
  • Sublingual Tablets or Drops: 1,000 mcg daily.
  • Injection: 1,000 mcg intramuscularly, often once a month.

Special Considerations

Elderly Individuals: Older adults may need higher doses due to decreased absorption efficiency.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a healthcare provider for appropriate dosage.

Side Effects Of Tab.Benuvo

While Vitamin B12 is generally safe, some individuals may experience side effects. Understanding these can help you make an informed decision about using the supplement.

Common Side Effects

  • Mild Digestive Issues: Some people may experience nausea, diarrhea, or constipation.
  • Headaches: Rarely, individuals might report headaches after starting supplementation.
  • Rash or Itching: Allergic reactions can cause skin issues in sensitive individuals.

Rare Side Effects

  • Severe Allergic Reactions: Though rare, some people may have a severe allergic reaction, including difficulty breathing or swelling.
  • Interactions with Medications: Vitamin B12 can interact with certain medications, such as metformin or proton pump inhibitors, which might affect absorption.

If you experience any of these rare but serious side effects, seek medical attention immediately.

Safety Information About Tab.Benuvo

  • Do not use any medicine without asking your physician
  • If you have any allergies to any ingredient make sure to consult physician first
  • Do not try any self medication if you have any issue after taking medicine.

FAQ About Tab.Benuvo

What Is Tab.Benuvo Prescribed For?

It is mainly prescribed for deficiency of Vitamin B complex and Vitamin D3.

I am allergic, should I take Tab.Benuvo?

If you are allergic to any ingredient of this tablet, you have to avoid tab.benuvo.

Can I Take Tab.Benuvo by my self ?

No, you should not take any medicine without consulting your physician.

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