What Is Glycemic Index Of Hominy?

Glycemic index of hominy

Written by Dr.Tanay Patel

Hello, My self Dr.Tanay Patel (B.H.M.S , C.C.H). I am consulting Homoeopath. My goal is to reach out to every people and provide enough information about health and wellness. On this website I regularly post about how to improve your mental & physical health on daily bases just by making few changes in your life style.

August 1, 2024

In this article, we will discuss the glycemic index of hominy and it’s relation to diabetes patients in detail. We have already discussed the glycemic index of various foods.

Hominy is from dried corn kernels that have been treated with an alkali, usually lye or lime, in a process called nixtamalization. This process removes the hull of the corn and makes the kernels puff up and become more tender. Hominy can be eaten as is or ground into grits, and it’s often used in various dishes in Southern, Southwestern, and Mexican cuisines.

Nutritional Value Of Hominy

Hominy is nutritious and provides several essential nutrients. Here’s a general breakdown of the nutritional content per 100 grams of hominy:

NutrientAmount per 100 grams
Calories~97 kcal
Protein~2.6 grams
Carbohydrates~21.5 grams
Dietary Fiber~1.9 grams
Sugars~0.5 grams
Fat~1.1 grams
Saturated Fat~0.2 grams
Cholesterol0 mg
Sodium~2 mg
Potassium~218 mg
Calcium~10 mg
Iron~0.6 mg
Magnesium~24 mg
Vitamin C~0.5 mg
Folate~82 µg

Keep in mind that these values can vary based on how the hominy is prepared and any added ingredients or seasonings. Also, hominy is a good source of niacin (vitamin B3) due to the nixtamalization process.

Glycemic Index Of Hominy

Glycemic index of hominy is 39, which makes it fall under the category of low-glycemic index foods. It is good food for vitamins and minerals. Diabetic patients can eat hominy in their daily life.

Relation between hominy & diabetes

Hominy is low glycemic index food and it’s glycemic load is also low, you can calculate it via glycemic index calculator online.

Diabetes can affects patient’s overall health and sometimes uncontrolled diabetes leads to secondary manifestation in so many patients. Hominy can be a great companion to a diabetic patient.

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